Road Traffic Offences
Speeding Offence
You should seek legal assistance if you receive a Notice of Intended Prosecution as soon as possible to avoid prosecution. If you need legal assistance on how to completed the Notice of Intended Protection, feel free to contact us.
There are strict time limit and failing to completed the Notice of Intended Prosecution could result in 6 penalty point.
Toting up and Exceptional Hardship
You be should be disqualified under the Totting up system if you have accumulated 12 points or more within a three year period. However, if you can prove you would suffer “exceptional hardship”, our legal team can assist you with legal information about your situation.
Single Justice Procedure Notice
Have you received a single Justice Procedure (SJPN)?
You should respond to the single justice notice as soon as possible. If you do not respond, you may be found guilty in your absence. The majority of people simply respond by guilty or non-guilty without any evidence to substantiate the offence. You will have been provided with very little, or even no knowledge before entering a plea. If you need legal assistance on how to respond to the single justice procedure notice, feel free to contact us .
The Penalty for driving without insurance
Driving without insurance with a strict liability offence; If you are caught driving a vehicle without insurance , you may be handed out a minimum of £300 fixed penalty fine and 6 points by the Police. However, the Court can issue unlimited fine and disqualification from driving.
If you have special reason while you were driving without insurance, the severity of your punishment can be reduced or even extinguished. This include but not limited to : person having a genuine reason to believe they are insured, a person being informed (by the vehicle owner or policyholder) that they can drive the vehicle legally, an insurance provider cancelling a policy without notifying the holder.
Unsure if special reasons may be applied in your case, please contact us for a free consultation.